Monthly Read Posts in June 2017
这篇 post 引入了一个 move-safety 的概念;和 exception safety 类似,move safety 描述了一个实例被移动之后的 post-condition invariant.
Why do we need move safety? Because std::move()
creates artificial temporaries, and we might want to use them again after the move operation.
4-Level Move Safety
- No move guarantee: copy only
- Strong move safety: moved object is valid and well-defined; like std::unique_ptr
- Basic move safety: moved object is valid, but its state is unspecified; like std::string, due to possible SSO.It is what the standard library guarantees for all types unless otherwise specified.
- No move safety: the state is invalid, and you can only call its destructor, or assign it a new value.
这篇 post 挺有意思。
作者观点是,无论 heap 还是 stack 来描述一个 C++ object 的 storage location 都是不准确的,因为标准并未规定 storage location 具体是什么,而规定了所谓的 storage duration:Storage duration defines the minimum potential lifetime of the storage that contains the object.
4 standard-defined storage duration:
- Static storage duration
- Automatic storage duration
- Thread storage duration
- Dynamic storage duration
Mix-in Based Programming in C++
Paper: Mixed based programming in C++
第一篇是介绍 mix-in 的 post,第二篇是在 mix-in 基础上提出一种 mix-in layer 的 paper。
mix-in 是一个挺有意思的 patter,但是因为没有自身语言支持,在 C++ 里的实现有时候会遇到比较 tricky 的问题。
第一篇 post 就提到了一个核心问题:如何有效地解决 mix-in classes 的 construction problem。但是讲真,post 里给出的 solution 有点诡异过头了;如果现实中的工程问题需要这样的一个解决方案,弃用 mix-in 弄不好是一个更靠谱的做法。
至于第二篇 paper,其实核心所谓的 mix-in layer,概括起来就是
1 | template <class Next > |
paper 中还提到了对工程中使用 mix-in 的一些建议和 recommended practice,看看也还不错。
Connection Management in Chromium
Chromium 官方研发写的 post。
提到了他们试图解决 connection latency & parallelism 的问题。
Handshakes (including TCP handshake & SSL handshake) are costly. Therefore, a better connection management is on demand.
Optimizations on transport layer (TCP or SPDY)
Apply tuple to function efficiently
Yet another implementation of apply-on-tuple