
#include <iostream>

class Foo {
    void Thunk()
        auto lambda = [](Foo* f, const char* msg) {
            auto pfn = &Foo::Print;  // complained this statement

        lambda(this, "abc");

    void Print(const char* msg)
        std::cout << msg << std::endl;

int main()
    Foo foo;


    return 0;

在 Visual Studio 2013 with update 5 上会提示编译警告:

Line 16: warning C4573: the usage of ‘Foo::Print’ requires the compiler to capture ‘this’ but the current default capture mode does not allow it

然而相同的代码在 Visual Studio 2017 上,以及 clang 3.8 上均不会出现类似警告。

我在 StackOverflow 上提了一个问题,然而截止本文发布前,并没有看起来靠谱的答案出现。